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Police Check

Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check.


Accredited Provider Of The NCCHC

Martian is an ACIC accredited provider of the Australian Nationally Coordinated Criminal History check (NCCHC).  This very important compliance-based service is seamlessly and natively, integrated within the Martian Logic HRIS.

Seamless and Baked In The Recruitment Process

Build The Police Check (NCCHC) compliance step as a native stage in your recruitment process to ensure greater compliance and save money and time. Three clicks and the Police Check is on initiated and on it's way.  The Candidate is invited to start the process and the guided and supported by our Martian Logic Support team until the report is ready and the user show initiated the process in notified.



Save Time & Money

Save Time:  We estimate that for an organisation to complete a NCCHC for one applicant and to do it in a compliant way, takes up to 3 hours by a single professional such as an HR officer or a Manager.  Using the Martian Logic police check, our users can achieve the same thing in 1 minute.

Save money:  The cost of spending about 3 hours per a check is around the $AU100.00 minimum, now in 2024.  Our price for a single check, now in 2024, is $AU42.00 for an Australian / Australian Resident, and $52.00 for those applicants who require a VIVO check as part of the police check.


Reduce Your Risk

Increase your NCCHC compliance:  Not only that you would reduce your risk by improving your NCCHC comp

Eliminate your data retention risk:  By using Martian Logic to generate and hold the Police Check record for you, you're passing on your data retention risk to Martian Logic.  Well just for accuracy, your  risk is this area can only be eliminated or let's say minimised, if you don't download copies of your Police Check reports and other personal information collected from the applicant and save them on your hard drives.

Eliminate your risk of not adequately identifying the applicant:  Short of asking the applicant to come into the office and bring with them all the necessary photo IDs and other documents, doing it yourself online and over emails can create a significant risk of not adequately identifying that the applicant is in fact who they claim they are.  This would risk your organisation of not being compliance with your ACIC obligations.

