Employee Self-Service
Empower your people
Employee Self-service (ESS) is multi-functional software that gives employees control over their information while freeing HR professionals from basic admin tasks, so they can focus on the things that really matter to your business.
Coming July 2024
Inbox user interface
Employee Portal
Martian Logic’s world-class employee self-service portal offers staff an intuitive software solution that is easily accessible and secure. Once your successful candidate accepts their offer and begins with your organisation, the information collected from the recruitment process is automatically transferred into the employee portal! With both a web portal and a mobile app, staff’s information will be in the palm of their hands and can be updated by them at any time.
Personal information
Your staff’s personal information will no longer need to be the responsibility of HR managers. From addresses to next of kin, all your staff’s personal information can be viewed and updated in the portal by themselves, whenever they need.
Inbox user interface
Leave Requests
Annual leave, sick leave, and all the other leave types can be viewed and requested through this feature. Leave balances will accrue in real-time, so employees can view their up-to-date leave entitlements in an instant. Combined with approval workflows customised to your business structure, the leave request process will be quick and pain-free.
Online Payslips
By using Martian Logic’s employee self-service software, payslips can be stored in a central and secure platform. Staff will be able to access their payslips anytime, anywhere through the employee portal, giving your entire organisation instant access to their payment history.

Payslips are just the beginning! By integrating our HR system with your payroll platform, you can also create business expense request workflows, and more! Click below for more information on how our Integration Connectors provide your company with the ability to transfer your collected Martian Logic data directly into most Payroll systems.
Customer profile user interface
Employee Contract and Resources
Set your employees up for success with this feature! Here you can store and audit any important documentation and/or content you need. This includes, signed employment contracts, changes in employment conditions, employee handbooks, company policies, and even training created for your staff. Enabling constant access to these resources ensures your staff will always have the tools they need to thrive.
Inbox user interface
Internal job board
Reducing recruitment costs is just one of the benefits of using an internal job board. When used with our recruitment software, internal positions can be shared easily onto the job board, which can be accessed via the employee portal ready for your staff to view and apply. Using this feature means your staff are continually given opportunities for growth, which creates strong motivation and loyalty across your business.
Customer profile user interface