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Unrivalled HR management software


From headcount reporting to managing people and their data is effortless with Martian Logic’s industry-leading talent management dashboard and employee database.

Organisational chart

The Martian Logic enterprise-grade org chart is the most powerful organisational chart software on the market. It’s one of the few that’s been created specifically with the needs of HR professionals like yourself in mind. Our org chart is designed to do more than just visually represent an organisation. It is linked with the live position library as well as the employee database and offers a self-healing, central function where major HR tasks, from recruiting to cross-boarding, can be initiated.
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Employee Dashboard

Instant, customisable, big picture reporting has never been more achievable than with Martian Logic’s employee dashboard. Using world-leading data visualisation software, this powerful and intuitive dashboard has been designed to display tailored data-driven insights to your business. By using our employee dashboard, you will be able to instantly segment your data into reporting lines, departments, entities, employment types, or in any way that best suits your business needs. With a dashboard like this at your fingertips, your data has never been clearer, or more valuable.
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Employee Database

Our advanced employee database function captures crucial HR and management data, serving as a single source of truth for all stakeholders. Unlike other databases, our integrated position library and organizational chart enhance your data and business intelligence. This system allows unlimited data capture about your workforce, ensuring easy access to information like position descriptions, reporting lines, and personal data. All data is centralized in a customizable database, providing comprehensive and easily searchable records.
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Position Library

HR professionals and managers understand that a comprehensive position knowledge base is essential for effective position management. Martian Logic’s customizable position library simplifies this process, capturing all necessary position details in a single, reliable source. Access position descriptions, selection criteria, duties, responsibilities, and draft job advertisement templates with ease. Our software is tailored to meet your business needs, allowing your position library to include vital data. Centralized, customizable information ensures seamless compliance, hiring, and performance management.


Access Control

Managing how data is viewed and edited is one of the most important things a business can do to remain compliant and in control. Martian Logic has developed in-built, enterprise-grade access control to allow full regulation over your employee data. Our access control is multi-dimensional and completely customisable, which enables your business to decide what records each manager and employee can access, as well as which aspect of the record each person can edit. Unparalleled flexibility means your business will always have control over how your data is viewed and edited.